With lemony tastes and colours, this blend uses lemon balm leaves and petals of the calendula flower which have been grown organically on our small family farm. Also in this blend is a variety of big-leaf lemon sorrel grown organically by Alexander's Aqua Greens, and foraged mullein.
The filters and paper of this product are made with 100% unbleached plant material, and will break down entirely within a couple of months.
Products being shipped to select ecosystems have been embedded with two or more non-invasive flower seeds. Plant your butt in a spot that is sunny, receives regular water, and is well-drained.
Caution: please be careful when handling fire or burning embers. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine risks, contraindications, and allergies. These products are intended for adult use. By using this website, you agree to the Usage Agreement and policies detailed here
A note about shipping: Parcels leaving Canada cannot be tracked unless the appropriate tier of shipping has been paid for by the customer. Before inquiring about the status of your package, please consider that international postal services are experiencing higher than usual volumes and are not honouring deliver-by dates.